Your Best Secret Weapon

When you bring a girl back to your place for the first time, she’s got a lot going through her head.

Is he going to be good in bed?

What are my friends going to say?

Do I want to spend the night, or should I find a way out once he falls asleep?

Just getting her back to your place is is enough work. But if she doesn’t want to even stay the night, you can forget about her ever coming back.

So I am here today to help make her feel more comfortable, welcome and excited to come to back again.

The first thing you’re going to need to do is set aside a drawer (or half a drawer if you’d like).

From now on, this will be known as your “Whore Drawer“, and no this isn’t an insulting name. Hell, when a woman is expecting to hook up with someone that night, she packs extra underwear, condoms, etc in her “slut kit”. So don’t let the name whore drawer intimidate you.

Your Whore Drawer is going to contain everything she will need to feel welcome, and well taken care of in your place & will make her realize just how sexually educated you are.

Here is a quick cheat sheet with some of the items you should keep in your Whore Drawer:

  • A new tooth brush
  • Brand new wife beater tank top, or plain white t-shirt
  • Brand new shorts or pajama pants
  • Unopened bar of soap
  • Breath mints
  • Contact lens solution/contact lens case
  • Clean towel (for after she showers)

Do you get where I’m going with this list?

The idea is that you put in a tiny bit extra effort, and set yourself apart from every single other guy she’s ever slept with.

By doing this, not only will she see how thoughtful, and prepared you are; but you will prove that you can in fact take care of her. And believe me since she was already hot and horny for you before, a simple gesture like this will have her coming back pretty much any night you want!

So now that the only thing left to do is give her an amazing orgasm packed night of sex she will never forget. And to do this, I recommend you check out the INCREDIBLE SEX VIDEO SERIES.

It’s a 10 module online course that’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced before.

To your sexual future,

Isabella Stone

Leave A Reply (6 comments so far)

  1. Jim

    interesting idea. How do you know what size shirt and shorts to buy?

  2. Guest

    Wow. I never would have thought of that. Good idea.

  3. robert southard

    i got to say, your pretty damm good at setting things up ,as far as the climax goes thats the easy part. just read your e book on porn star sex life .com!

  4. ray

    sounds good

  5. Walt

    Very creative idea, will also leave a bit of closet space.

  6. Ron Whalen

    Thnx 4 the gr8 idea 🙂 I’m going shopping 4 everything on the list. This is so kool. I almost died a yr ago and I have no lady in my life. I so desperately need a woman to love and love me. I’m a good looking dude. I get told that all the time by woman but can’t understand why I’m alone. I’m a amputee now ( lft arm & leg ) and I’m worried that is what is keeping the ladies away. I want to be the best of lovers,to sexual please woman in the best way. Any advice would help so much. Xoxox